Monday, July 28, 2008

Normal Day 121 - 116.6 Pounds

Many people are afraid that eating this way will mess up their metabolism. That was also my biggest concern when I began alternate day fasting. However, in my experience eating this way actually REPAIRS a messed up metabolism. My metabolism is working better than it did before I started alternate day fasting. Sometimes, I am shocked by the amount of calories I can consume on my eating day without gaining weight. These days, my weight is fluctuating between 115 - 120 pounds. My heaviest days are typically after consuming sodium rich foods.

My son and I went to Comic Con on Thursday. We went to the Doctor Who/Torchwood seminar. It overlapped another seminar with Keanu Reeves and we had to choose which one to attend. Keanu Reeves is really sexy, but both my son and I were more interested in listening to writers Steven Moffat and Russell T. Davies (sadly, Russell could not make it to Comic Con). Steven Moffat was hilarious and had the auditorium bubbling with laughter. In response to a request from an attendee, John Barrowman and Naoko Mori (who play Captain Jack and Toshiko in Torchwood) sang part of a duet from the musical Miss Saigon. I was caught off guard by the intensity and beauty of their voices and was quite literally brought to tears.

By the way, Keanu, if you are out there, I really do adore you and would have loved to have seen you at Comic Con; or better yet, to have attended the Doctor Who/Torchwood talk with you as a date! Maybe next time, yes? ...


niartist said...

Hi! I came across your blog when I searched for information on PSMF. I have never heard of the Alternate Day Fasting, but I'm impressed with your weight loss thus far. If I'm calculating correctly, you've lost just about 35 pounds in 4 months, right? Great job! I know how difficult it can be to do that. I started the PSMF in 2002, and within 5 months dropped 54 pounds. There were several days of "cheating" during each of the 5 months, which could explain why in the first month - when I was truly focused - I lost 34 pounds, and in the following 4, only continued to lose 20. I was literally at the highest point of my life though, and I loved how I looked. Things have taken a turn since 2002, however, and now I'm in need of another diet with a quick jump start to keep me motivated. I will definitely keep checking back on this blog for your successes - wish me luck!

Anonymous said...

can u drink any alcohol during the fasting days?

Muse said...


Wow! That is fabulous. I do wish you luck. For awhile, I was kind of doing PSMF (protein sparing modified fast)by drinking a protein/water shake on my fasting day and then eating normally the next. Since you were so successful at it, I bet you would be amazed how easy it is if you only had to do it every other day! The weight loss is much, much slower of course. Good luck to you!


Muse said...


Hmmm...well drinking alcohol wouldn't technically be fasting. I guess it depends what your motivation is for fasting and how strict you wanted to be.

I have occasionally taken a sip of my boyfriend's beer or wine on a day that I was fasting -- when he has commented on how great it was and I had to try it. I wouldn't be able to handle more than that on an empty stomach. But personally, on my fasting days I stick to water, green tea and sometimes diluted coffee.


Anonymous said...

thanks T. today is my first fasting day! i'm super nervous but really pumped for some weight loss! Nic..

Muse said...


Best of luck to you today! The first day was the hardest for me and I was sipping diluted fresh juice throughout the day. If you can get through today -- you can get through any day!


Anonymous said...

I have the most fantastic headache right now... I know it's normal but jeez! ouch! anyway the reason I asked about the alcohol is because my hubby is in a band and we spend a lot of time out on the town, so I was curious! I have about twenty five pounds to lose, but I'm also a shorty so it's tough!

Muse said...


It would definitely be healthiest to pass on the alcohol on your fasting days and sip bottled water or have a cup of tea or something like that. You think you have a headache now -- imagine waking up the next morning after drinking on an empty stomach. Yikes! LOL

I hope your feeling better! It only gets easier.


niartist said...

Today is day 4 for me, I've been very good about sticking to the diet, however, I may try the fasting diet for a while to see how well I can do with it. My motivation was not only in cutting out bad-for-you carbs and sugars, but also super-bad-for-you artificial sweeteners. I had, up until Tuesday, been drinking 6-8 liters of diet coke each day, with no other liquids. Not only did the sodium pack a wallop on the water-weight gain, but it additionally caused lots of nervous syndromes which have made life for my partner and I unbarable these past few months. My addiction to Diet colas and mixes was progressive, so I never knew to blame the drinking. It wasn't until Monday night when I did research on aspertame poisoning, and noted several similar issues, that I decided to give it up the next day. So, today marks day 4 of no artificial sweetener, and no carbohydrates - with the exception of 5 - yes 5 - french fries I had to still from Scott's plate last night at dinner. ;)
The scale Monday night read 242.8, and the scale this morning (Friday) read 230.5. 12.5 pounds of water is no small feat in just 4 days, but still I need to get this additional 30.5 off without fear of bloat from sodium rich foods. Have you had any medical issues at all during the course of this? Do you think that this is something you would reccommend? Thanks for keeping updated on the comments, I appreciate your blog and dedication.

Muse said...


Great job! Congratulations in sticking to your diet and in kicking those diet colas. I don't believe you specified which diet you are currently doing. Are you doing the protein sparing diet again, or alternate day fasting or intermittent fasting?

I haven't had any medical issues since I began alternate day fasting. However, I have seen the reversal of health problems. Those around me have noticed the changes in me as well. I have more energy, I'm happier, less depressed and my skin looks fabulous. I can't say that I would recommend it for everyone, but I would certainly suggest they give it a try and see if it is for them. For me, I absolutely, unequivocally, love alternate day fasting. There aren't many "diets" that people can still make a claim like that after 8+ months.
