Monday, September 22, 2008

Normal Day 149 - 110.4

When I first began ADF nearly 10 months ago, I never really expected it to work. I had become inordinately discouraged in ever finding any diet that would work other than protracted water fasting. Whatever was wreaking havoc on my metabolism sometimes even prevented me from losing weight while water water fasting. How frustrating is that?! Imagine eating absolutely nothing for 2 days in a row and still not shedding an ounce. I was ready to give up and give in and just eat whatever the heck I wanted as often as I felt like it--because "what's the use?!"

The good news is that after this experiment in alternate day fasting, my metabolism appears to be functioning like a normal person's now. My weight bounces right back after an over indulgence, whereas previously it would shoot up after the slightest indescretion and oftentimes it shot up for no apparent reason at all. I've often been shocked as I stepped on the scale expecting to see that I've SURELY gained weight this time and instead discover that my weight remained stable. It is a surreal experience. I am very grateful.


Unknown said...

Congrats again. Would love to see before and after pics, if you're ever inclined.

I'm curious: Subjectively, how difficult does adhering to this diet now seem to you? How confident are you that you could continue it indefinitely?

Muse said...


I'm still working up the nerve to post before and after pictures. Vanity or just painful memories? The thought of bringing up my blog and seeing those photos splashed in my face. Ugh...that's an inner conflict I'm still working through. I definitely will post them someday though.

This diet is easy for me. The best analogy I can use is to say that it is as natural as breathing. It is like the long deep breaths that one takes in meditation or deep relaxation. No, I'm not saying that I inhale my food one day and well, um ... defecate the next. I'm saying it's a harmonious balance of intaking food one day and then giving my body a rest the next.

I would love to continue this indefinitely. Once I am no longer trying to lose weight, I will feel free to switch fasting/eating days around to fit my life without the accompanied guilt. As it is right now, I almost always switch my life around to fit the diet. I feel re-energized and rejuvenated after a day of fasting. I'm also aware of the effect that specific foods have on the way I feel. I'm more likely to choose healthier, organic options after a day of fasting. My palate is continuously being reset to 'wholesome'. I'm not sure that I could be on it for the rest of my life, but I would definitely like to give it a try.


Unknown said...

Here's a new, mildly interesting paper that studies blood serum from human subjects doing CR or ADF and observes their effects on human liver cells. The upshot is that ADF seems to do better than CR on some measures.


Muse said...


That is a very interesting study. Thank you for sharing the link!
