Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Fasting Day 34 -- 133

Finally got to take an hour long walk again today. I notice that I'm having to walk much further now in order to make it last an hour. I guess I have become a much faster walker. My journeys are taking me into unfamiliar territories some of them seem a bit scary too.

My eye surgeon finally called and he has approved my eye enhancement surgery but only in one eye. They have scheduled me for a Feb 15 appointment at 2:15 (that's 2/15, 2:15) easy to remember. I'm assuming they will be doing my left eye.

Having eye surgery is a great excuse to not wear makeup, I kind of enjoyed the freedom last time. I have pale blond eye lashes so my face tends to look a little washed out without mascara, thus I've felt compelled to wear it since I was about 13. It gets tiresome putting it on every day. Blech!

Walk 1 hour
3x15 bicep curl, leg extension, lat pull down, tricep push
began doing crunches today 2x30
also started doing inverse pushups -- a whopping 8 of them

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