Monday, January 14, 2008

Normal Day 26 -- 138.8

My son and I walked over to Target to get a bag of dog food. That was a heavy load to carry back. I went for another long walk later in the afternoon. All together I walked over 2 hours today and 1/2 hour of that I was carrying that bag of dogfood.

I want to move the Nordic Track back out to the garage and swap it for our exercise bench. I think I'm getting a decent enough cardio with the walks I take every day. We have this bench (I think by Weider) that uses bungee cords for resistance and it can give a decent workout for the average person. I won't use it while it is out in the garage because our garage is infested with black widow spiders and they creep me out.

I waited until after 6pm to eat for the day. I'm experimenting with varying the time that I eat to see if it will have any noticeable effect.

3 recipe crumble tacos on soft corn tortillas with cheese, lettuce, onions, black olives, cilantro, avacado and hot sauce
8 oz milk

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